Saturday, February 14, 2009

Product Stash...How Much Is Too Much?

Ladies, I posted this pic on one of the many hair networks I am assocaited with. Depending on what day I looked in my cabinet, I came to a different conclusion. Some days I thought it was too much, other days I was indifferent, and then other days I'd think it wouldn't hurt to get another product or two. I was surprised with the response of most of the readers of the post. They all claimed that my stash "wasn't so bad" and most said they have significantly more than I do.
So what's your perspective? Does the picture above look like a PJ stash to you? Is this a "normal" sized stash, or is this fairly simple?


random said...

Nope not bad at all, it's similar to the stash I have. Trust me I've seen worst, lol.

LaQT/ Ty said...

Um, compared to your old pics, this is nothing. You used to take 4-5 pics for your whole stash. I must say, I'm proud of you. I'm gonna guess that your probably doing really good with your staple list.I'm still breaking my stash down.

eallen116 said...

It looks normal to me, lol. I don't even want to go there...pulling actually products I use away from under the sink. Your stash looks great. I MIGHT picture mine and leave it on my blogspot. I have to find some courage first :)

Hairs2Me said...

looks normal to me =)

Hair and Beyond said...

Pj stash lol, I am starting to believe you can never have too much. Hair is funny and I would rather be able to go into my hair area, when my hair is not acting correct after a rinse out. Than to be stuck looking crazy at hair that is dripping wet and having that oh no I need to run to Sall's real quick.